lol! the happy bubbe: August 2006

the happy bubbe

Monday, August 21, 2006

Teachef recipe Assam Melody BBQ Tri-tip

This is the most delicious Recipe yet! The seasonings give this dish a wild flavor and the roasted chilis added the right spice to compliment the smokey malt taste of the Assam Melody leaves.

2 TBL SP apple cider vinegar
2 TBL SP olive oil
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1-2 tsps Assam Melody tea leaves
1 bay leaf

Sprinkle dry ingredients over soaked meat. Wrap in double layers of foil. Place in refridgerator one hour.

Place foil wrapped Assam Melody BBQ ri-tip on the Bar-B-Que at a low setting and cook 1 1/2 hours for medium 2 hours for well done.

During the last 15 minutes place chilis rubbed with olive oil on the grill. Roast them, peel them and serve them with the tri-tip. Serves 4-6 people

A salad of Cucumbers ,Tomatoes, Cinnemon basil (or sweet basil) Assam Melody leaves, Sun flower seeds and italian dressing rounds our this dish perfectly.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

God heard my prayer, the answer is you

I am my Beloved’s and his desire is for me. Song of Songs 7:10

A young girl is playing badminton in the backyard of her sister’s home; her nieces are scampering about chasing the birdie. A young man arrives at the gate and asks if he may come in and visit with me, his sister lives next door. My sister takes the girls in to make lemonade while we fall in love. Love at first sight does happen; it happened to a sixteen year old and seventeen year old in the backyard of my sister’s home. Three days later he asked me to marry him and I said yes.

33 years later my heart still skips a beat when he walks in the room. There is no averting my eyes because they are locked on him and he knows it. My Beloved, the smile on my face tells the world he is mine. He is the one that creates my smile. He always has from the first moment he walked in the backyard gate. He sought me out. God knew the desires of my heart and fulfilled them over a glass of lemonade. His desire is for me and I am blessed!

My Beloved, You are the song in my heart, the kiss I long for every moment of the day. You are the fragrance that engulfs my senses and the fulfillment of my dreams. This is my declaration of love for you. Not even the author of these words has ever known a love as deep and true as ours. You are a gift from Our Heavenly Father fashioned just for me. Thank you for choosing to follow Him and your heart into my arms. I love you Michael, with All of me, Bobbielee

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Oh My tea Arrived today!

the happy bubbe

My teachef tea arrived today. I don't know how I am going to use it just yet, but I am thinking. It says it has a malty taste. I just I will just have to have a cup and be inspired. It is called....Assam Melody! I love getting free tea in the mail! Check it out!

Friday, August 04, 2006

a missing digit

the happy bubbe I was looking at my blog today. You know really looking at it and I was surprised by what I saw. My daughter helped me put buttons on my blog. I found one, she found one etc. but as I look at them today I realize a digit is missing. I noticed it because every child that has ever walked into a Sunday school class or VBS know Psalm 23:1 begins....The Lord is my Shepherd. However, the stamp on my page would have you believe it starts Unto thee O Lord.... That is because a digit is missing. There should be another 1. I am sure they meant, 123:1 but even that says I lift up my eyes and not my soul. So Am I just over examining this or is it in lifting up my soul that I discover the Lord is my Shepherd? Hmmm.... I must ponder this some more.